Internal and Foreign Matter Audits
Find all of our relative certificates we provide below.

Internal Audits
FSQ Ltd. offer the following services to help your business establish a thorough, independent and effective internal audit programme:
Gap assessment against 2nd or 3rd party standards as preparation for your annual audit or when standards are updated.
Support the development of a risk based internal audit programme and schedule
Provide an independent, experienced auditor
Conduct documented audits on a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis
Manage non-conformances to satisfactory close out with the process owner
Conduct issue-based audits related to internal non-conformances or complaint investigation
Coach site internal auditors to help audits become more effective
Provide summary reports for the senior management team’s management review, detailing non-conformities, corrective actions taken, root cause analysis, and deviations from the audit programme.
Foreign Matter Audits
Glass and other foreign matter, such as wood, metal, plastic, cardboard and insects are a major cause of complaints and product recalls.
An effective foreign matter management program will minimise business disruption, prevent non-conforming product and prevent an internal contamination or breakage incident from becoming an external crisis.
An independent audit of site foreign matter controls can detect gaps in systems or implementation of controls before they lead to non-conforming product, complaints or recalls. The audit includes an independent review of:
glass, wood, hard and soft plastic management
pre-operational inspection effectiveness
maintenance activities
sanitation activities
personnel practices
pest management
waste management
foreign matter complaint trending and corrective and preventive actions
foreign matter prevention, detection and removal devices location, settings and operation
A specific review focused on glass, brittle plastics, ceramics and similar materials will:
advise on removal of glass where possible and appropriate breakage protection measures where removal is not possible
advise on glass cleaning and replacement procedures to minimise risk
check the accuracy and detail of the glass register
risk assessment of glass
advise on the frequency of glass audits based on risk
check glass audit records for accuracy and completion
check that staff are fully trained in the event of a glass breakage
Reports on both foreign matter and glass focused audits will provide details of any areas for improvement and recommendations on industry best practice.