Raw Material and Supplier Risk Assessment and Approval
Find all of our relative certificates we provide below.

Supplier Approval
A supplier approval process must consider the potential risk the material represents in terms of safety, authenticity, legality and quality.
A suitable process should detail the methods of supplier approval, frequency of monitoring, and responsibilities. The methods of supplier approval will depend on the raw material and the risks associated with it and can include a requirement for suppliers to be certified to a GFSI benchmarked scheme, supplier questionnaires or an audit.
FSQ offer the following services to help your business develop an effective system to manage suppliers of raw materials and packaging:
Support the development of a raw material risk assessment process, including VACCP and TACCP
Design questionnaires to meet your business and supplied material specific requirements
Review questionnaire responses and advise on follow up actions
Conduct documented audits for approval of new suppliers or maintenance of approval of current suppliers on your behalf, focusing on product safety, traceability, HACCP and good manufacturing processes
Verification of suppliers’ ability to meet the specifications of the materials they are supplying
Manage non-conformances to satisfactory close out with the supplier.
Conduct issue-based audits related to non-conformance of supplied materials or complaint investigation
Threat Assessment Critical Control Points (TACCP)
Whereas HACCP is concerned with the prevention of food-borne illnesses through the prevention of unintentional or accidental hazards in food, TACCP is concerned with the prevention of deliberate and intentional contamination of food.
PAS96:2017 (Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack) details the types of threats that can occur: economically motivated adulteration, malicious contamination, extortion, espionage, counterfeiting and cyber-crime.
TACCP requires an assessment of specific threats to food businesses from intentional contamination, from a range of sources – disgruntled employees, pressure groups, ideologically motivated individuals and terrorists.
TACCP risk assessment
TACCP incident response support
Site Security Audits, including:
Physical site access review & challenges
Visitor and contractor control
Permanent and casual employee screening review

Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Points (VACCP)
VACCP is a tool used to identify vulnerabilities in your supply chain due to food fraud incidents including substitution, dilution, concealment, mislabelling, adulteration or counterfeiting.
The VACCP system uses similar principles to HACCP but instead of focusing on how to identify and control hazards, the focus is on how to identify and control vulnerabilities.
The key to a successful VACCP assessment is identifying vulnerabilities based on historical
and potential opportunities for dishonest activity and, once identified, to introduce mitigation strategies to ensure your exposure is reduced or eliminated.
FSQ Ltd. supports your supply chain vulnerability through:
Development of vulnerability assessment procedure
Advice on historic incident and emerging concerns related to raw materials
Working with your procurement team on the effect of availability & price fluctuation
Geographic origin and complexity of supply chain
Assessing supplier history and relationship
Mitigation strategies including supplier audits and testing